
Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: It's My Day!!!

Hey, it's my day!!! A very festive day of life. And I want to acknowledge first God for accord me all the blessings He showered me (health, love, peace of mind, trust, and all the things which money can't buy),the answered prayers-safety of my love ones specially my mame{mom}, dade{dad} and kuya{big bro}.

Another year over and through this year I learned a lot from it. Although my life our life  is not smooth as we imagine.

As of today  I have some aspiration to fulfill or dream of :D.

  • To own a house & lot ^__^ (syempre, here in Makati...probably in Rockwell, White Plains or Forbes :D)
  •  To know how to drive
  •  To own a car, of course (for #2)
  • To give help the unfortunate ones (orphanage or the special)
  • To have a BF ^__^
  •  To manage my own company (either hotel, travel agency or airline__ as if I'm a billionaire)
  • To give my bro his own business (computer shop or anything about his course_multi- media)
  • To ask my mame to have her early retirement & take charge of house responsibilities
  • To travel around the world
That's all I wish, It's ok if some of it can't achieve because I most appreciated if I receive the money can't buy^__^

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