
Saturday, December 18, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: Christmas Songs

There are plenty of clues to discern that Christmas is approaching__ The cold breeze of wind, the atmosphere everywhere gradually adorn Christmas ornaments or even the we can hear some of establishments playing Christmas song or music.

For me, there are a lot of Christmas songs that I long to play & listen to. Foreign or local Christmas song that bear in me. Back on my childhood I felt blissful & delighted whenever I witness this kind of scene every year :D. From that point I master the lyrics of each songs & even their title.

I felt blue when I watched one of the episode (kids who won on a pageant) of "Wiling Willie". The "kanta-nong" were several Christmas songs & they don't even manage to crack it :(

I'm not assert for them (kids) to be fond on this genre of music. But at least they know about a little.

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