
Saturday, December 25, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: Noche Buena (Christmas Dinner)

My Family's Feast

"Its Christmas all over the world..." Wow finally its Christmas now, after a long wait and thanks i manage to accomplished the "simbang gabi" ^__^ Gradually my wishes are granted, thank you Lord :D. 12mn everyone in the world prepared a smaal meal for their family to share with on this holiday. The mother and every remember of the family have their part to take, to make it on time for noche buena.

In our household, we cook 2 meals__The specialty of mame which is called "meat doves" & buttered vegetables. And we order to deliver some food from the restaurant. We always do this yearly (Christmas & New Year ^__^). It is because we're too tired to arrange so much cooking for this event, that's why we decided to order and deliver it beforehand. All we need to do is wait for the deliveries we made and when it arrives, we settle it on the table :D (easy,isn't it??^__^)

When the clock strike to 12mn, we embrace each other and the inception for us a happy bonding (conversation or whatever...) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: Inaanak (Godchild)

Two more days to go and its Christmas!!!  They say that this month is the "time for giving" to everyone(your love ones, unfortunate ones and most the godchildren of yours). It is a gift in terms of things or somethings  they wants or needs; money; anything which makes them happy:D

Indeed, Christmas season is the happiest, wonderful time like as I written on my other blog. And the most happy to celebrate this holidays are the children. You know why?? Aside that they have a christmas vacation(a break from their study) Its also a time for them to be lazy around(go shopping, skate on ice or ski). And most of all collecting gifts(from their families, colleagues or friends and godparents).

In the Philippines, its also practice that ever children visits their godparents in their house. That's why the godparent(s) prepared a gift for their godchildren yearly. But some godparents are dread for this time to come,you know why? Because they have a lot of godchildren(friendly ^__^) or maybe because the parents or the inaanak (godchild) are to materialistic. FYI, godparents is the "Helpers to the Road of Faith" not because of thing that inaanak(godchild) redeem from their godparents.

Many godparents hid themselves at home or even go on vacation til holiday is over^__^. I'm one of those godparents that dread this. Its because the parents are more demanding to asked me about the gift I should give for their son or daughter. And sometimes I forgot to give last year, they ask to give it this year :( What a bad logic they have.(is it right for them to be choosey or the one be to decide for me..),and that's what I hate most.

I'm not doing or writing this because of that certain basis I mentioned above. Hoping that this logic come from the parents or inaank would change or back what it used to be.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: Christmas Caroling

Simbang Gabi is not only a tradition practice here in the Philippines every Christmas season. There's caroling as well__Both are similar day to start (Dec. 16). Young or old, boy or girl or even in group, with partner or solo are dominated around the streets. They bear their own instruments and singing in-front of each door.

On my opinion, the carolers nowadays annoys me because:
  1. their singing is not that good (you can't barely hear their voice :/ ).
  2. others are hid in the corner (maybe they shy or whatever???)
  3. they don't sing well (out of tune ^__^) or
  4. some of them have repetition on 1 house for caroling
  5. they don't dress well (as if, they are not presentable enough)
Caroling years back have a good meaning because the logic of the carolers was not to earn money but to give Christmas spirits to every household ^__^. Unlike today, they have only in mind is MONEY!!!! I'm not saying against of it, so we let the carolers to be back on Dec. 23__one down for all :D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: Bustling Day for Me...

Whew!!! Its been 6 days already of "simbang gabi" and thank goodness I still survive to carry out this traditional goa, three more days to go^__^. And its been 6 days as well, whereas I have sleepless nights :( This is not cause of the said holiday activity but because of my insomnia.

Today, after the Mass I just have a few hours of sleep then I mobilize to do the chores. Because 4 days to go and its Christmas. We need to organize or make our home more beautiful__Anyway, already one week ago since the last time we had a general cleaning (we do this weekly).

I sweep the floor, wash plates & clothes. After what I've done, I feel exhausted :( I am not complaining for this__I just fret I can't attend the "simbang gabi" on 7th day. It would be a waste if I can't, so I pray that I can arise tomorrow ^__^

Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: It's My Day!!!

Hey, it's my day!!! A very festive day of life. And I want to acknowledge first God for accord me all the blessings He showered me (health, love, peace of mind, trust, and all the things which money can't buy),the answered prayers-safety of my love ones specially my mame{mom}, dade{dad} and kuya{big bro}.

Another year over and through this year I learned a lot from it. Although my life our life  is not smooth as we imagine.

As of today  I have some aspiration to fulfill or dream of :D.

  • To own a house & lot ^__^ (syempre, here in Makati...probably in Rockwell, White Plains or Forbes :D)
  •  To know how to drive
  •  To own a car, of course (for #2)
  • To give help the unfortunate ones (orphanage or the special)
  • To have a BF ^__^
  •  To manage my own company (either hotel, travel agency or airline__ as if I'm a billionaire)
  • To give my bro his own business (computer shop or anything about his course_multi- media)
  • To ask my mame to have her early retirement & take charge of house responsibilities
  • To travel around the world
That's all I wish, It's ok if some of it can't achieve because I most appreciated if I receive the money can't buy^__^

Sunday, December 19, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: Ambience of Christmas

December is such a wonderful month of the year. A most entertaining, amusing of all time (for me or even for everybody else). Indeed, not only this month (December) which happen to have a holiday but as I said this is the magnificent and celebrated most part of the world :D.

The surroundings alter to match the season. Every corner of particular home of someone or a vicinity of each city. They make an effort to decorate in or out of their home. For this reason, the creativity of oneself suddenly come into sight by their masterpiece.

In our home, we started to decorate early as October ^__^ We have a stockings, Christmas tree, Christmas lights, poinsettia and Christmas bell and also Santa Claus doll. Our house is not that big, so there's few Christmas ornaments we use. The most important is, we're together__We love each other, trust, understand and everything which money can't buy.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

12 Days Of Christmas: Christmas Songs

There are plenty of clues to discern that Christmas is approaching__ The cold breeze of wind, the atmosphere everywhere gradually adorn Christmas ornaments or even the we can hear some of establishments playing Christmas song or music.

For me, there are a lot of Christmas songs that I long to play & listen to. Foreign or local Christmas song that bear in me. Back on my childhood I felt blissful & delighted whenever I witness this kind of scene every year :D. From that point I master the lyrics of each songs & even their title.

I felt blue when I watched one of the episode (kids who won on a pageant) of "Wiling Willie". The "kanta-nong" were several Christmas songs & they don't even manage to crack it :(

I'm not assert for them (kids) to be fond on this genre of music. But at least they know about a little.